Ronaldo Iachan
Ronaldo focuses primarily on health behavior, environmental, and social statistics. He has served on our Independent Review Board for nearly 20 years and served as a statistical editor for the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) for 15 years. Ronaldo has extensive experience in statistical design and analysis, with more than 60 refereed articles published in statistical methods.
Ronaldo has designed several cycles of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the National Youth Tobacco Survey for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He also developed statistical weighting and estimation procedures for these and many other multistage sample surveys. Ronaldo has analyzed data from the CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System that have led to county and state-level estimates of sexual orientation and gender identity based on modules available only in some states. He was the statistical lead on a National Center for Health Statistics project focusing on non-response analysis and weighting for the National Health Interview Survey. Ronaldo is also the statistical lead on two HIV studies for the CDC, focusing on hard-to-reach populations in the U.S., as well as international studies also focused on rare and hard-to-reach populations. He is the lead statistician for a National Cancer Institute study involving probability and non-probability samples, data harmonization, weighting, data analysis, and a CDC study on COVID-19 estimation.
Ph.D., Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, 1980
- Yeager, D.S, Hanselman, P., Walton, BM., Murray, J.S., Crosnoe, R., Muller, C., Tipton, E., Schneider, B., Hulleman, C.S., Hinojosa, C.P., Paunesku, D., Romero, C., Flint, K., Roberts, A., Trott, J., Iachan, R., Buontempo, J., Yang, S.M., Carvalho, C.M., Hahn, P.R., Gopalan, M., Mhatre, P., Ferguson, R., Duckworth, A., Dweck, C. (2019). A national experiment reveals where a growth mindset improves achievement. Nature.
- Iachan, R., Berman, L., Kyle, T.M., Martin, K.J., Deng, Y., Moyse, D.N., Middleton, D., and Atienza, A. (2019). Weighting Non-probability and Probability Sample Surveys in Describing Cancer Catchment Areas. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, DOI:
Iachan, R., Pierannunzi, C., Healey, K., Greenlund, K., Machell, T. (2016).
National weighting of data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 16:155.
Iachan, R, Johnson, C., Saavedra, P., Kyle, T., Harding, L. (2016) “Design and Weighting Methods for a Nationally Representative Sample of HIV-infected Adults Receiving Medical Care in the United States—Medical Monitoring Project.” The Open AIDS Journal.
Lu, B., Iachan, R., Duffy, T., & Sahr, T. (2013). Design and analysis of dual-frame telephone surveys for health policy research. World Medical and Health Policy, 5(3), 217–232.
Saluja, G., Iachan, R., Scheidt, P., Overpeck, M., & Giedd, J. (2004). Prevalence and risk factors for depression among young adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 158(8), 760–765.
Smith-Khuri, E., Iachan, R., Scheidt, P., Overpeck, M., Gabhainn, S., Pickett, W., et al. (2004). A cross-national study of violence-related behaviors in adolescents. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 158(6), 539–544.